

来源:小高教学网 作者:kk 时间:2024-07-25 15:17:03 阅读次数:0



送给正在努力奋斗的你:停止正在做的17件事Life is short. It may feel like it takesforever sometimes, but the reality is that you live, and a short time later,you die. It happens so quickly, many people don’t even realize they had a lifeuntil it’s already over.生命如此短暂。我们有时候觉得生命怎么也走不完,实际上,你现在活着,过不了多久,就会死去。人生真是转眼一瞬间的事情,很多人到临死前才意识到这一生已经结束。01Stop Doubting Yourself停止怀疑自己If you don’t believe in yourself, nobodywill. Success starts in your mind, and if all you’re doing is putting yourselfdown and predicting failure, it’ll become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Insteadof doubting yourself, think positively. Not only will you be happier and moresuccessful, you’ll spread it to everyone around you.如果你自己都不相信自己,那没人会相信你。成功源于你的头脑,如果你所做的是不断地看扁自己,预言着未来的失败,这就真的会成为现实。与其怀疑自己,不如积极的考虑问题。不仅会让自己更加开心和成功,你还能够感染到周围的人。2Stop Being Negative停止消极Now that you’re done doubting yourself,stop doubting others. You don’t like when people are critical of you, so stopbeing critical of others. Think about how you make other people feel – even ifyou have good intentions, people don’t like hearing negativity.现在你不要再怀疑自己了,也别再怀疑身边的人。你不希望被人对你挑剔,那么也不要再去挑剔身边的人。想想你给别人带来的什么样的感受吧——即使出发点是好的,别人也不想听到那么多消极的事情呀。3Stop Procrastinating停止拖延I don’t feel like procrastinating right now– I’ll do it tomorrow. When you procrastinate, you remain stagnant. Whateveryou’re putting off doesn’t go away; resolve the problem, and move on. You’ll bemuch happier in the long run.我现在不想做,还是留到明天吧。一旦开始拖延,其实你已经停滞不前了。你拖延的事情不会自行解决。解决问题,继续前行吧。从长远角度来说你会更加快乐。4Stop Being Mean不要那么刻薄It’s completely possible to step onsomeone’s toes without meaning to – it happens all the time. There’s no need topile on by purposefully doing mean things, so make a conscious effort to stopbeing mean. If someone wrongs you, let it go. There’s no need to seek vengeanceunless that’s the type of person you want to be.无意踩到别人的情况真的有可能会发生——常常会发生。但没必要去处心积虑地做一些不好的事情,所以要有意识地让自己不要那么刻薄。如果有人对你无理地对待,随他们去好了。没必要去报复,除非你也想成为那一类的人。5Stop Eating Out不要在外吃饭Eating out is the biggest waste of money.Every so often it’s nice to treat yourself, but eating out for every meal isthe quickest way to drain your bank account. Learn how to cook at least ahandful of foods you enjoy: It’ll save you money, keep you healthier, andoccasionally impress people.在外面吃饭真的非常非常的浪费钱。也许每次对于你而言都是一次犒赏,但每顿都在外面吃反而是花光积蓄的最快方式。至少也去学学怎么做一些自己喜欢的菜:既能省钱,还能让你更健康,还会让其他人眼前一亮。6Stop Being Lazy不要再偷懒Lazy people are annoying – it’s likepulling teeth getting them to do anything. If I can’t do something as simple asgoing to a movie with you without having to factor in an hour of convincing youto get your lazy butt out of bed, I’d rather go alone. People have enoughtrouble motivating themselves; don’t make your friends and family waste theirvaluable energy motivating you as well.懒人真的很招人烦——得像赶驴磨墨一样逼着他们做事情。如果我想跟你看一场电影,却不得不花一个小时说服你起床,那我宁愿一个人去看。给自己动力都不是件容易的事情,就别让朋友和家人浪费宝贵的精力再来给你动力了吧。7Stop Complaining停止抱怨We all have problems, and sometimes we needto vent to someone. That’s acceptable, but pay attention to how often you’reventing. We all love helping our friends and family, but when all you get fromsomeone is negativity, it’s easier to cut them off than help, especially ifthey’re always complaining about the same things.
【本文标题和链接】中考备考:停止正在做的这17件事 http://www.hzhe123.cn//n/184580.html 页面最新缓存时间: 2024年09月13日 星期五