

来源:小高教学网 作者:kk 时间:2024-07-30 07:36:39 阅读次数:0



本站整理了关于2024年中考英语知识点:九年级3单元知识点,希望对同学们有所帮助,仅供参考。Language goal: Talk about what you are allowed to do. Agree and disagree.Talk about the history of inventions.I、重点词汇:四会词(补充):1. sleep—sleepy—asleep 2. teach—taught—taught3. important—importance 4. succeed—success—successful5. invent—inventor—invention 6. throw—threw—thrown7. taste—tasty 8. century—centuries9. create—creative 10. below—above11. develop—developing—developed—developing12.salt--saltyII、重点短语1. instead of / doing sth 代替,而不是2. stay up 熬夜,不睡觉3. concentrate on 全神贯注,专心于4. at present=at the moment 目前,现在5. in the way (of) 妨碍(……)6. care about 照顾7. be used for doing / to do 用来做……8. by mistake 错误地9. by accident / chance 偶然地,碰巧地10. according to 根据,按照,据……所说11. fall into 落入,陷入12. in this way 这样13. in the sixth century 在六世纪14. take an active in 积极参加* in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代15. knock…into… 敲……入……里knock at 敲(门、窗)16. get / have sth done 使……被做17. be strict with 对……要求严格18. learn from 向……学习19. the other day 几天前20. have / take?…off 休息……21. worry about 担心22. be serious about 对……认真23. travel around / all over China 环游中国24. at / in college 在上大学25. divide…into… 把……分成……26. the number of ……的数目a number of 许多的……,大量的……27. have an opportunity / chance to do / of doing 有做……的机会28. in public 当众?III、重点句型1. Students should not be allowed to have part time jobs.应该允许学生们有兼职工作。2. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.十六岁的青少年应该被允许扎耳洞。3. They talk instead of doing homework. 他们说话而不是做作业。4. He should stop wearing that silly earring. 他应该停止带那个可笑的耳环。5. He doesn’t seem to have many friends. 他似乎没有很多朋友。6. He needs to spend time with friends.他需要和朋友一起度过。7. On Saturday afternoons, I’m allowed to go shopping with my friends.周六下午允许我和朋友一起购物。8. Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.父母不应该对青少年太严格。9. That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy.那将是让老师和学生们都开心的好办法。10. We learn a lot from each other.我们互相学到很多东西。11. We sometimes have a special day to help others.有时候我们有特别的一天来帮助别人。12. His parents won’t allow him to train as much as he would like to.他父母不会允许他按照他想的那样去训练。13. It’s a very difficult dream to achieve.这是一个很难实现的梦想。*14. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.只有那时我才会有实现梦想的机会。15.They don’t allow him to practice running on school nights.他们不允许他在有课的晚上训练。16. Who were they invented by? 他们是谁发明的?17. They’re used for seeing in the dark.他们是用来在暗中看东西的。18. What do you think is the most helpful invention?你认为什么是最有帮助的发明?19. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into water and remained there for some time. 附近灌木丛的一些叶子落到水里并保留了一段时间。20. The safety of the players was important. 队员们的安全很重要。21. He taught them how to play his new game.他教他们怎样玩他的新游戏。IV、重点语法被动语态:英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。如:He answers the questions in public.?(主动语态)The questions are answered in public.?(被动语态)被动语态各时态构成表TENSE主动语态被动语态一般现在时be / V / Vsam / is / are +Vpp一般将来时Will +Vwill be +Vpp现在进行时am / is / are +Vingam / is / are + being + Vpp一般过去时①was / were/?②Vedwas / were+ Vpp一般完成时have / has + Vpphave / has + been + Vpp过去完成时had + VppHad + been + Vpp过去进行时was / were +Vingwas / were+ being +Vpp情态动词Can +VCan + be +Vpp1、用法(1)不知道谁是动作的执行者或没有必要,如:Paper is made from wood.(2)需要强调动作的承受者时,如:Books and newspapers in the reading room mustn’t be taken away.(3)为了使语气婉转,或由于修饰的需要Electricity is used to run machines.2、主动语态和被动语态的转换(1)把主动语态的宾语改为被动语态的主语(2)把主动语态的谓语动词改为相应的被动语态的结构(3)把主动语态的主语改为“by+原主语(主格变宾格)”,放在主谓结构之后,在意思明确时by短语可以省略。We speak English.→English is spoken by us.3、需注意的几点:(1)只有及物动词有被动语态,不及物动词没有被动语态。(2)含有双宾语的句子由主动语态变为被动语态时有两种情况:A、把间接宾语改为被动语态的主语,直接宾语仍留在原位。B、把直接宾语改为被动语态的主语,此时,间接宾语前要加介词to或?for。如:She gave the boy a book.→The boy was given a book.或The book was given to the boy.(3)短语动词是不可分割的整体,改为被动语态时,要保持其完整性,介词或副词不可漏掉。这样的短语有:look after, listen to, look at, pay attention to, take care of, look forward to, make use of ,etc.?如:You must take care of your dog.→Your dog must be taken care of.(4) 主动句中在感官动词see, look at, hear, listen to, feel, watch, notice及使役动词make, let, have等动词后应跟不带to的动词不定式,而在被动句中应加上不定式符号to。如:I saw Tom enter the room.→Tom was seen to enter the room.(5)有些被动语态结构成了习惯用法。例如:It is said that… 据说…  It is(was) reported that…据报道…It is well-known that… 众所周知…4、主动形式表被动意义的情况(1)动词need后接v-ing的主动结构常表被动意义。例如:The desk needs mending.(2)open, lock, sell, read, write, clean, cut, wash, burn, teach, drive, shut等及物动词在用作不及物动词时,它们的主语为物,可用主动语态表被动意义。例如:The car drives well.(3)look, taste, smell, seem, sound等连系动词主动形式表示被动意义。例如:The dish tastes good.5、被动语态与系表结构的区别“be+过去分词”形式在句子中可能是一个被动语态的谓语,也可能是一个系表结构的谓语。对于它们的区别主要从它们表达的意义上看,而不是从形式上看。系表结构中的过去分词是表示主语的特征或状态,而被动结构则是表示主语是动作的承受者。例如:The door is closed at nine every day.(行为,被动结构)The door is closed now.(状态,系表结构)The letter was written yesterday.(行为,被动结构)The letter is written in English.(状态,系表结构)V、书面表达1.谈论允许和不允许的事情或者应该被允许和不应该被允许的事情。P22 3a如:(1)My family / school / class rules(2)Rules in the library(3)Talk about something in your food, health, study, hope or something else.2.谈论某物的发明及用途。P72 3a范文:假如你班要召开一次以“keep our school clean”为主题的班会,请就同学们应该或不应该做的事情写一篇简短的发言稿,例如“不允许在墙上乱涂乱画,应该每天打扫教室”等。Good afternoon, everyone!We are studying in this school. It’s our duty to keep it clean and tidy. So we have made some school rules. We cannot spit in public places, such as in the library and in the classroom. We are not allowed to draw pictures on the walls and throw any litter onto the ground. We should clean the classroom every day. If everyone tries to do something useful for our school, I’m sure our school will be more and more beautiful.That’s all , thank you.
【本文标题和链接】2024年中考英语知识点:九年级3单元知识点 http://www.hzhe123.cn//n/184697.html 页面最新缓存时间: 2024年09月13日 星期五